For some time now I have commented on pieces published in the online publication, The Conversation. I hold strong views on [so-called] gay 'marriage', on abortion and on scientism (I oppose them all). I hope to write more on these topics at another time, but here I want to start this blog with a short piece pointing to the habit of the editors of this publication to delete comments posted by individuals who object to misleading articles and comments posted on their website.
You see, The Conversation is a site on which advocates for homosexuality, abortion and anti-religion are given free and unchecked reign. In as far as I can ascertain, there is almost never a dissenting article sourced or encouraged by the editors in order to ensure there is a balanced and more broadly informed source of information on these topics. For some months I have been trying to add my voice to the commentary threads in a small effort to balance the very one-sided representation of these issues with a different perspective, and provide as much evidence as I could possibly do to challenge some of the most obvious misleading information and arguments I encountered on this website. Unfortunately, despite its airs of being impartial and sensitive to different views, The Conversation allows some individuals to fully express their views, even when these consist of attacks on other individuals, whilst constraining those individuals who resist being targeted for ridicule and insults.
A particular group of individuals has been targeting me, following me from thread to thread wherever I happened to contribute comments, to goad, insult and belittle me. These individuals use the technique known as 'jamming' to marginalise and eliminate anyone who disagrees with their points of view from online discussions. Naturally, I tend to respond and I resist such bullies as I am not known for backing down from such lowlifes.
So anyway, like the cowards that they are (all bullies are cowards!) these characters took any opportunities they could to report me to the moderators and I often had my comments deleted. I have written to The Conversation and complained that they are unfair in how they apply their commentary rules. Of course, they didn't acknowledge their bias, and my posts kept being deleted; the latest was closed today. Here is the standard email which I received:
A particular group of individuals has been targeting me, following me from thread to thread wherever I happened to contribute comments, to goad, insult and belittle me. These individuals use the technique known as 'jamming' to marginalise and eliminate anyone who disagrees with their points of view from online discussions. Naturally, I tend to respond and I resist such bullies as I am not known for backing down from such lowlifes.
So anyway, like the cowards that they are (all bullies are cowards!) these characters took any opportunities they could to report me to the moderators and I often had my comments deleted. I have written to The Conversation and complained that they are unfair in how they apply their commentary rules. Of course, they didn't acknowledge their bias, and my posts kept being deleted; the latest was closed today. Here is the standard email which I received:
Dear Dania Ng, Your comment on the article "California's gay 'conversion therapy' ban challenged" has been removed in line with our community standards. For more information you can read our standards here: The Conversation
Obviously, this tells me nothing. What, precisely, have I done or posted that was deemed as being in contravention of their 'community standards'? I was being bullied and harassed, I responded to the bully, and then I get my post deleted? Well, here is the actual exchange, you be judge.